Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Vision

Curriculum design

How our Curriculum is designed



Through our curriculum, we want to provide children with a range of rich experiences to build resilience, independence and compassion. We aim to engage with the local and wider community to make a positive impact and we encourage all pupils to become courageous advocates to make the world a better place.


Our philosophy

To put reading at the heart of our school. It is about embedding skills and knowledge that the children need to flourish, to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10). We want children to believe they have the potential to change communities and the world for the better through our core curriculum values of Compassion, Wellbeing and Equality.


Curriculum offer-Implementation


At Mottram, we provide a creative broad and balanced curriculum which stems from our vision as we encourage children to be the change they want to see in the world.

Through our Christian vision, our Aims and as a result of pupils being taught the Mottram curriculum, our children will be:

  • Communicators – We know the value of good communication and how this can aid children to flourish and have better life outcomes. We want children to be able to express themselves in many different ways.
  • Explorers – We understand the importance of children exploring their lives and how they fit into the world and how we can learn from what has gone before. We want children to take part in new and exciting experiences to help them grow.
  • Readers – We value how reading runs throughout the curriculum and how important it is to choose the right text for the right reason. How these books can help expand children’s richness of vocabulary and let you dare to dream of a life you would like to lead. We want children to embrace and engage with a wealth of books that inspire and engage.
  • Believers – We know how important it is to believe you can be the change in the world you want to see by engaging in community activities. We want children to know that they can make a difference to lives and community. They can be the change they want to see in the world.

We believe these drivers will give our children the cultural capital of knowledge, behaviours and skills to achieve their goals, be successful in society and contribute to making a change in our communities for the better. We embrace the Church of England Vision for Education and believe all our children can flourish to ‘live life in all its fullness’.

The unique curriculum we offer for our children at Mottram is a combination of the National Curriculum, our curriculum drivers, our bespoke progression documents, which have clear end points for teaching, alongside the National Curriculum outdoors.

We interweave Golden Threads through our chosen topics so previous learning is built upon and children can deepen their understanding of issues.

It seeks to teach skills and knowledge through a three year rolling programme (due to mixed age groups). End points are clearly defined in our progression documents therefore, if a child in Y1/Y2/3 was being taught the topic Moon Zoom, the progression documents would define the end points for the teaching for the different year groups. We also use Kapow and Twinkl as a teaching resource.


EYFS Long Term Plan 2023

NEW Y1-3 Three Year Topic Plan

NEW Y4-6 Three Year Topic Plan


Entitlement and Enrichment

We want to provide children with a range of rich experiences to build resilience, independence and compassion. We aim to engage with the local and wider community to make a positive impact on pupil life outcomes and foster their love of learning beyond the classroom.  As the diagram shows we partner with many agencies as we believe this enriches our curriculum and enables a richer vocabulary acquisition to increase our children’s cultural capital.


Pedagogy at Mottram

  • Capture children’s imagination through interesting topics and hands-on activities using a hook to inspire and ignite a love of learning.
  • Collate children’s thinking, questioning, skills, knowledge and understanding of a range of themes and concepts by making connections to the real world and meaningful links between subjects.
  • Create a piece of work through developing children’s capacity to work independently and collaboratively. Guiding children to think creatively and solve problems.
  • Celebrate through, sharing our creations, reflecting, providing opportunities for shared evaluation and identifying next steps for learning.

