“I chose Mottram School because of the “warm” feeling we received when looking around schools. Mrs Scattergood’s approach came across as sincere, honest and straight forward – there was no over-selling what the school is about, just clarity of what’s important. The focus on the child’s wellbeing came out as a big factor in school success, and whilst my child’s academic achievement is important, wellbeing will always be no.1. It was clear that teachers’ wellbeing is also important.”   Parent Governor



Foundation Governors

Mrs. K. Sanderson (Chair)
Mrs. J. Russell
Mrs. C. Selby
Mrs. B. Verrall
Mrs. A. Stokes
Mr. S.  Percy


Local Authority Governor

Mr. M. Carter (Vice Chair)


Parent Representative

Mr. R. Wedlock
Mrs. L. Obi


Associate Governor

Mrs. K. Dallender


School Representatives

Miss. R. Hughes Acting Headteacher
Mrs. A. Levy  Acting Assistant Headteacher / Classteacher


The Vicar and Head are ex officio.
All other governors are appointed/elected for four years.

Any governor can be contacted via school


Chair of Governors – Mrs Kate Sanderson
Vice Chair of Governors – Mr Matthew Carter

Structure of the current Governing Body

Resource (Finance, Personnel & Premises)

Curriculum and Standards (Pastoral)


Governing Body Information

Governors Information

Maintained schools governance guide – Guidance – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)