
In our Early Years Foundation Stage (Red Class) we truly believe that ‘every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential’ (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021).

To give each child the best possible start we offer a wide variety of activities for the children to develop skills across all areas of learning through direct teaching and continuous provision. The classroom is set up to enable children to learn as they play (continuous provision). We have different areas in the classroom such as a creative area, construction area, messy area, book corner, writing and maths areas. These areas are changed regularly to engage and support children’s learning. Children participate in activities both inside and outside. We access our own outdoor area as well as two playgrounds, our field and ‘Queen’s Garden’.

We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is vital for each child’s development. Our staff work hard to build strong relationships with all children and to create bonds with each child’s family. We have an ‘open door’ policy and encourage our families to come and talk to us. Parents/carers are invited in at regular intervals, to a range of events, such as parent consultations, assemblies, picnics, craft sessions and information meetings.


Development Matters 


EYFS Policy


Transition to Primary School 

At Mottram, we encourage all new starters to visit our school and meet the staff and children. We hold a Parent/Carer Induction Meeting, where we share information about life at Mottram CofE Primary School and we provide time for questions and answers.  If possible, we like to visit the preschool/nursery setting to meet the child and their key worker(s). When visits are not possible, we ring the child’s setting to gather relevant information. We invite the children in for a stay and play, with parents and carers, so they can begin to get to know their new teacher(s) and become familiar with the classroom environment.


Useful Website

inourplace | Solihull Approach – Moving up