Wellbeing around Mottram 





Pupil Voice

‘The Worry Wizard helped us with our worries.’ (EYFS)

‘We had to be good communicators and when we were out, we smiled and said ok.’ (EYFS)

‘I love school and my friends and my teachers.’ (Year 1)

‘If I feel sad or need help, I can ask a buddy or my teachers or Mrs Scattergood.’ (Year 2)

‘We had the Worry Wizard to help us, we have talked about our dreams for when we grow up and our New Year’s Resolutions. We have learnt how to keep healthy and take care of our bodies. ‘ (Year 3)

‘The Health and Wellbeing Champions hand out certificates for people who have been kind. They deliver assemblies and they set up some health and wellbeing BINGO tasks for the teachers.’  (Year 4)

‘We use the outdoor environment to support our wellbeing. We have done some missions for Commando Joe! We had to complete a mission to find the padlocks to open the CJ Top Secret box. We didn’t give up and helped each other!’ (Year 5)

‘We are the Health and Wellbeing Champions. Our job is to help everyone in the school to be happy and to support their wellbeing. We give out stickers and awards for kindness. We set staff challenges. During Children’s Mental Health Week, we delivered Collective Worship and we shared top tips with parents and carers on our Twitter page.’ (Year 6)


Health & Wellbeing Champions 

Hi, we are the Health & Wellbeing Champions at Mottram CE Primary. We meet with Mrs Bailey to discuss and plan different activities for all year groups. 

During Children’s Mental Health week, we worked with different children to play games, colour and to teach them that every voice and every thought matters. 

At break and dinner times, we play games with all year groups. 

We have helped Mrs Bailey with the My Happy Mind initiative. 

We have more plans for the rest of the school year! 

We would really like to help in different classrooms to help the teachers out. 



Health and Wellbeing 


Useful Websites 








My Happy Mind






AcSEED Award 


I am so proud to announce that we have been accredited with the AcSeed Award.  This award is acknowledgement that Mottram values how important it is to nurture the mental health of young people. This is a whole school approach and is recognition for our work that we undertake with issues regarding mental health and wellbeing across all ages.  We are only the third primary school in Greater Manchester to have achieved this status! At Mottram we recognise that young people flourish and reach their life potential when all barriers to school life are recognised and supported to enable them to function at their best both in school and at home. We recognise the importance of positive wellbeing for all our staff and students.  If you would like to find out more about the AcSeed Award you can at the following link http://www.acseed.org/

We  celebrated our achievement in an assembly on Wednesday 25th September.

AcSeed Award



Well done to all the staff and students.

Mrs Scattergood